楼竞 (Jing Lou) - 博士学位论文 (Doctoral Dissertation)

博士学位论文  (Doctoral Dissertation)
Salient Object Detection: Computational Methods and Applications
楼 竞  (Jing Lou)
导师 (Supervisor):  任明武 教授  (Prof. Mingwu Ren)
学位论文 (Dissertation)
  • 楼竞, “显著物体检测计算方法及其应用,” 博士学位论文, 南京理工大学, 2018.
    Jing Lou, “Salient Object Detection: Computational Methods and Applications,” Doctoral Dissertation, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, 2018.  PDF (in Chinese) CAJ (in Chinese) Bib Bib (in Chinese) Slides (in Chinese)
  • TeX 发行版 (Distribution):  TeX Live 2014
    写作软件 (Editor):  TeXstudio
    排版命令 (Compiler):  xelatex
    文献管理 (Reference Manager):  Mendeley
致谢 (Acknowledgments)
  • 感谢南京理工大学机械工程学院程杰博士提供的 LaTeX 模板与帮助,以及南京大学计算机科学与技术系胡海星博士提供的 GB/T 7714-2005 参考文献 BibTeX 样式文件。
  • I would like to thank Carles F. Julia for providing the Python script to clean the bib file exported by Mendeley. I also wish to thank the people from the online LaTeX communities for their kind help in the LaTeX text format, including Johannes_B, rais, Stefan Kottwitz, and Werner.
  • 感谢多年来关心和帮助过我的各位老师、同学、同事、亲朋、好友,以及众多素未谋面的网友。
  • 特别感谢一直以来在背后无私付出、默默支持我的家人!
Latest update:  Jun 25, 2020